Thursday, October 21, 2010

C + + Builder Beginners Questions and Answers 9

9. Multi-page component

68) Q: I think C + + Builder component template management well, in the template by clicking the page you can switch between the various pages in C + + Builder in to achieve what should I do ?
A: We can be achieved with multi-page components, its benefits is that you can in a limited space to store as much information, and facilitate the information classified. Take for instance the template components, then the small screen in place of the hundreds of components, and does not look messy, which are multi-page component of the credit.
If the form you want to place a large number of components, and grouping these components is used, then consider using multi-page components. This would allow a more concise form.澶氶〉缁勪欢鏃㈡湁澶氶〉鐨勭壒鎬э紝鍙堟槸涓?釜瀹瑰櫒缁勪欢锛屽畠灏卞儚绐椾綋涓?牱鍙互鍖呭惈鍏朵粬鐨勭粍浠躲?

C + + Builder provides several features similar to multi-page components, which are: Win32 page in the TabControl, PageControl components, Win31 page TabSet and TabbedNoteBook components. From their different page where you can know that the first two components are used in 32-bit system components, in terms of performance and style, the two components are more suitable for Windows 95 and above board in this used. Last two components is the favorite Windows 3.1-style user reservations, in fact, we can only use the first two components.

69) Q: TabControl component and PageControl components they simply look exactly the same?
A: At first glance, these two components almost certainly, we can operate below illustrates this point.
(1) in the form to place these two components, by modifying the Height and Width properties set them the same size.
锛?锛夊湪瀵硅薄缂栬緫鍣ㄤ腑锛屽崟鍑籘abControl鐨勫睘鎬abs涓殑鐪佺暐鍙锋寜閽紝杩欐椂浼氬脊鍑轰竴涓瓧绗︿覆缂栬緫鍣ㄣ?鍦ㄨ繖涓紪杈戝櫒涓垎涓夎杈撳叆绗竴椤碉紝绗簩椤靛拰绗笁椤点? Then click the OK button.
锛?锛夊湪绐椾綋涓?鍙朠ageControl缁勪欢锛岀敤榧犳爣鍙抽敭鍗曞嚮璇ョ粍浠讹紝鍦ㄥ脊鍑虹殑蹇嵎鑿滃崟涓?鎷㎞ewPage鍛戒护锛孭ageControl缁勪欢灏嗙敓鎴愪竴涓己鐪佸悕涓衡?TabSheetN鈥濈殑椤碉紝鍏朵腑N鏄粠1寮?鐨勬暣鏁般? New Page command to run the first time the page generated named TabSheet1, called the second generation TabSheet2, and so on. We use this command to generate three pages.
The difference is that with the TabControl component, you can click the page to switch between pages. Click the page to switch pages as well as in selected components of the PageControl. If you want to select a page, you can first click the page to switch to the page, then click the page on it.

They look exactly the same way.

鎴戜滑鐭ラ亾澶氶〉缁勪欢鎶婃墍瑕佹樉绀虹殑淇℃伅鏀惧湪涓嶅悓鐨勯〉涓紝瀹為檯涓婃瘡涓〉閮芥槸涓?釜绐椾綋锛屽苟鍙互閫氳繃椤垫潵杩涜椤电殑鍒囨崲銆?TabControl component although there are multiple pages, but in reality there is only one page template, that is, every time the user click the page, the page of repetitive page template updated, in order to respond to the user's choice.
Obviously, if you need to display each page different components, then certainly not qualified for such work TabControl. Because every time you change page, you must update the page with the code template, which in C + + Builder is not a good idea.濡傛灉姣忎釜椤垫墍鏄剧ず鐨勭粍浠剁浉鍚屽彧鏄唴瀹规湁鍙樺寲锛岄偅涔堜娇鐢═abControl浼氭洿鍔犲悎閫傦紝鍥犱负瀹冩秷鑰楃殑绯荤粺璧勬簮姣旇緝灏戙?
鑰孭ageControl鍒欐槸姣忛〉瀵瑰簲涓?釜椤垫ā鏉裤? Therefore, it is appropriate to different situations in each page.

71) Q: TabControl component which common property?
绛旓細HotTrack灞炴?鐢ㄦ潵纭畾褰撻紶鏍囨寚鍚戦〉鏃讹紝椤典笂鐨勬爣绛炬槸鍚﹁嚜鍔ㄨ鍔犱寒鏄剧ず銆?The default is False.
MultiLine property to determine when the page is displayed when the line shows no less than to the next line.缂虹渷鍊糉alse琛ㄧず鍦ㄤ竴琛屾棤娉曟樉绀哄畬鏃讹紝鍦ㄨ鐨勫彸杈硅嚜鍔ㄥ嚭鐜颁竴涓弻鍚戠澶达紝鍙互鐢ㄦ潵绉诲姩椤点?
TabHeight property used to set the page height. The default value of 0 indicates a high degree of page will automatically adapt to the height of the text page.
TabWidth灞炴?鐢ㄦ潵璁剧疆椤电殑瀹藉害銆?The default value of 0 indicates the width of the page will automatically adapt to the width of the text page.
TabPosition灞炴?涓簍pTop鏃讹紝琛ㄧず灏嗛〉鏀惧湪TabControl缁勪欢鐨勪笂闈紝涓簍pBottom鏃跺垯琛ㄧず鏀惧湪涓嬮潰銆?br />TabControl缁勪欢涓婄殑姣忎竴涓〉閮芥湁鑷繁鐨勭储寮曪紝鏈?乏杈圭殑椤电殑绱㈠紩涓?锛岀揣鎺ョ潃鐨勯〉鐨勭储寮曚负1锛屼互姝ょ被鎺ㄣ?TabIndex灞炴?杩斿洖褰撳墠琚寜涓嬬殑椤点?
Tabs property used to set the page number and title, in the design is to use a string editor to achieve.

72) Q: TabControl control which of the more important events?
A: TabControl has two more important events OnChange and OnChanging. Whenever the page is selected OnChange event occurs after this time can determine which pages TabIndex property is selected, and then respond to the action taken.
OnChanging incident occurred just before the page is selected, that is just a page before switching to another page. This event allows us to switch the page to take certain actions before, for example, not set in until certain conditions are not allowed to leave this page.
In fact, before these two events we have studied in detail, not illustrated here.

73) Q: PageControl component seems more powerful than the TabControl component, which is how to use it?
A: Compared with the TabControl, PageControl indeed more powerful component features, but not complicated. PageControl涓殑姣忎竴涓〉閮芥槸涓?釜TTabSheet缁勪欢锛岃繖涓粍浠跺疄闄呬笂鏄竴涓鍣紝浣犲彲浠ュ湪涓婇潰鏀剧疆鍚勭鎺т欢銆?Each TTabSheet component has its own attributes.
瀹為檯涓婅繖閲屾湁涓ゅ眰鍏崇郴銆傛渶椤跺眰鐨勬槸PageControl缁勪欢锛屽畠璐熻矗绠$悊澶氫釜TTabSheet缁勪欢锛岃?姣忎釜TTabSheet缁勪欢涔熺鐞嗙潃鏀惧湪瀹冧笂闈㈢殑缁勪欢銆?br />
74) Q: PageControl more important components of the property which it?
A: ActivePage This attribute displays the current page is selected, it can also be used to switch the page.
MultiLine property to determine when the page is displayed when the line shows no less than to the next line.缂虹渷鍊糉alse琛ㄧず鍦ㄤ竴琛屾棤娉曟樉绀哄畬鏃讹紝鍦ㄨ鐨勫彸杈硅嚜鍔ㄥ嚭鐜颁竴涓弻鍚戠澶达紝鍙互鐢ㄦ潵绉诲姩椤点? The default is False.
TabHeight property used to set the page height. The default value of 0 indicates a high degree of page will automatically adapt to the height of the text page.
TabWidth灞炴?鐢ㄦ潵璁剧疆椤电殑瀹藉害銆?The default value of 0 indicates the width of the page will automatically adapt to the width of the text page.
TabPosition this property is tpTop, the page will be placed on top of TabControl component, while for the tpBottom will be shown below.
In addition, run-time state property:
Pages杩欎釜鍙灞炴?鏄疨ageControl缁勪欢涓婃墍鏈夌殑椤电粍鎴愮殑鏁扮粍銆?br />PageCount杩欎釜灞炴?杩斿洖PageControl缁勪欢涓婄殑椤垫暟銆?br />
75锛?闂細 PageControl鐨勬瘡涓?〉閮芥槸涓?釜TTabSheet缁勪欢锛岄偅TTabSheet鏈変簺浠?箞灞炴?鍛紵
绛旓細TabVisible 杩欎釜灞炴?鐢ㄦ潵灞忚斀鏌愪竴椤电殑鏄剧ず銆備篃璇存槸璇达紝瀹冪殑鍊间负False鐨勬椂鍊橮ageControl缁勪欢灏嗕笉鏄剧ず杩欎釜椤典簡锛屼絾鏄繖涓〉杩樺瓨鍦紝浣犺繕鍙互鎶婅繖涓睘鎬ц缃负True鏉ユ仮澶嶅畠鐨勬樉绀恒?鍦ㄧ▼搴忚繍琛屾湡闂翠笉鑳藉垹闄ら〉锛屽彧鑳藉睆钄介〉鐨勬樉绀恒?
PageIndex鏄〉鐨勭储寮曞彿锛?br />姝ゅ锛岃繕鏈夎繍琛屾椂鎬佸睘鎬с?
PageControl灞炴?杩斿洖璇ラ〉鎵?湪鐨凱ageControl缁勪欢銆?br />TabIndex灞炴?杩斿洖璇ラ〉鍦ㄦ墍鏈夊彲瑙侀〉涓殑绱㈠紩鍙枫?

绛旓細濂界殑 锛岄鍏堝湪TabControl缁勪欢鐨勯〉闈笂鏀剧疆涓?釜缂栬緫妗嗙粍浠躲?
鏈?悗锛岀紪璇戝苟杩愯杩欎釜绋嬪簭銆?br />鐐瑰嚮tabControl缁勪欢鐨則ab1鍒皌ab3鏍囩锛屽彲浠ョ湅鍑猴紝缂栬緫妗嗗嚭鐜板湪缁勪欢鐨勬瘡涓?〉涓?


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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Test emergency response capacity of cities: urban emergency on the road

April 1999, Premier Zhu Rongji when he was invited to visit the Chicago 911 center, Zhu Rongji that the U.S. 911 emergency system is a modern symbol of the city, he said Chicago Mayor Daley saying: "I hope you can The modern facilities introduced to China. "In the same year in October, Mayor Lin Guoqiang Shuaidui visit Nanning Chicago.

After nearly a year of deliberation, in May 2002, Nanning City Emergency Response System put into operation, this is our country into the first set of city emergency response system, China emergency systems Swagger excited to catch this opened the curtain.

In 2003, a public health emergency - SARS from spreading, the sting of people's nerves, but also tortured with a social response to sudden crisis, determination and ability. Since then, a series of strike out: in May, "Public Health Emergency Ordinance" published; in July, the state proposes to speed up construction of public emergency response mechanism to major issues, the State Council has set up a "setting up the public Events Working Group on Emergency Plan "; in September," Beijing contingency plan for SARS Prevention "published; Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Yangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing and other places began to build linkage system.

Then in 2004, a provincial city emergency response focus of the work, in just two or three months, many cities are beginning to be launched emergency response.

January 2005, "the overall national public emergency contingency plan" allowed to pass through. July 22 ~ 23, the State Council held a national work conference on emergency management, emergency management in China include the regular, institutional and legal work of track.

January 8, 2006, the State Council issued "the overall national public emergency contingency plan", the State Council, relevant departments have prepared a special plan for national and sectoral plans; all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the provincial public emergency contingency plans in general have been completed.

In the same year in May, the State Department Office of Emergency Management (State Department duty officer's office) was established.

In recent days, according to information from the State Administration of Work Safety, in 2006, China has formulated contingency plans for more than 1.35 million pieces of various provinces (regions and municipalities) 97.9% of the city (prefecture) and 92.8% of the counties (cities) to develop overall emergency plan. Central business plan to develop up to 100%, most scale enterprises in high-risk industries have developed contingency plans. National Emergency Plan system has taken shape.

According to the China Academy of Engineering, Tsinghua University, director of the Center for Public Safety Research Professor Fan Weicheng, our country's emergency response system has been taking the forefront in developing countries, compared with developed countries, technically still a gap, but it must be able to catch up.

Impressive is gratifying, but facing a serious situation, we must be more forward.

Look at the focus of news since 2006, you will find that the Keywords: bird flu, took the lead Qi two drug counterfeiting drugs, a large area of Urumqi, stop heating, natural gas leak in Chongqing Kai County, encountered a wide range of cyanobacteria, Wuxi, Chongqing and many other cities subjected to flooding ... ... every outbreak of public emergency, are a test of the affordability of a city, but also warned that we can not have a shred of slack.

A local information office is responsible for building the city emergency response system, the person in charge has disclosed to the media throughout the emergency management office now has been established or are preparing to set up, the state also requires the establishment of cities throughout the emergency management system as soon as possible, "but the mode, choose any system, we have some confusion. we've been to Nanning, Yangzhou city to inspect, but after all, every city has its own situation, can not completely copy, how to come out of their way, we are actively exploring them. "

Recently, the "China Computer Newspaper," was held in the city emergency management roundtable forum, experts, enterprises and users around the city emergency management to discuss hot topics and made a city emergency management in the four major problems: how to achieve common and individual characteristics unity, how to promote the integration of emergency response resources, how to achieve industrialization and emergency and non-emergency operation, should the issue of integration. How to solve these problems, is definitely worth trying to find out in practice and innovation.

"Zuo," saying: be prepared, thought is well prepared, be prepared for. City Emergency, we are still on the road.

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